Resources For You

Resources at church or local to help you reach your full potential in your life in Jesus.

Sunday Morning Service

A time of worship and biblical teaching to the glory of Christ the King!

The Oasis Counseling Center

We offer the hope of Christ to children, adolescents and families in need.

United Marriage Encounter

Nurturing one-man, one-woman marriages leading to stronger Christ-centered marriages and families.

Facebook LIVE

Connect with Pastor Samme and Jeanie every week on our Facebook LIVE channel.

Kid's Ministry

Our Sunday morning environment created specially for your little ones.

FamilyLife Ministries

Marriage is more than just "happily ever after." This is a resource for moving your marriage closer together, toward oneness.

The Torch

Our monthly gathering of men.  Bring a friend.  Yes, there is food!

The Gauntlet

Genuine men's fellowship with lots of hot coffee, great food, worship and biblical exhortation.

The Light

Our women's bible study in the spring and fall seasons, as well as various events throughout the year.

Marriage Ministries

FamilyLife Ministries

United Marriage Encounter

A Getaway With A Goal: Oneness

No marriage is static. Each day, each choice — you’re either moving closer together, toward oneness … or coasting farther apart.

At the intersection of a faith-based marriage conference and romantic retreat from everyday life, Weekend to Remember helps couples do just that — choose oneness. Whether you’re sending up an SOS for marital rescue or looking to foster an already flourishing connection, Weekend to Remember is your best next step toward being, and staying, one.

Stronger Christ-Centered Marriages

Transforming, edifying and nurturing one-man, one-woman marriages leading to stronger Christ-centered marriages

We offer our Weekend experience and a community of caring couples who are committed to having a stake in other marriages.

We will create an environment that can help transform marriages around the world. By following our mission and proclaiming God’s plan for marriage we believe we CAN influence the world for Christ.

Men's Ministries




A place where men…can be men!


A place for men to talk without being judged!


A place where guy talk becomes God talk!


A group of men that support and encourage each other!



Join us monthly for

Prayer – Coffee – Fellowship – Snacks


Pastor Samme & Carl Priest

1st Saturday of every month.

10AM - 11AM

85 Donovan Street, Webster NY

Call or Text



Gauntlet, like many words, has multiple meanings.  In the context of medieval customs, it refers to a stout armored glove that protects the hand and wrist.  Historically, when knights were confronted by an adversary, the Gauntlet was thrown down to present a challenge to either engage in battle, or submit one’s self to the adversary.  To pick-up the Gauntlet meant that the challenge was accepted.
Today's culture declares that chivalry is dead.  Insidious forces have raged war against what is traditionally considered to be a sense of common understanding and mutual respect within mankind.  These interactions include the rolls of men and women, husbands and fathers, spiritual leaders, mentors, and/or public servants, or what it simply means to be a faithful friend.  Numerous complex and rapidly changing factors have negatively caused the notion of retreat occurring in the hearts and souls of men.  Many have disengaged and abdicated their purpose to bear God's image with confidence and strength.

Unfortunately, ignorance, isolation, apathy, passivity, depression and anger characterize the lives of many men leading them down a path of self destructive behaviors and chronic addictions.  These negative behaviors include; drug abuse, alcoholism and illicit sexual activities.


Many silent, inward struggles which face men today can be traced to the simple fact they never acquired the affirmation of love from their fathers.  Others have lost faith because they have been emasculated by religion.
The Gauntlet is a ministry organization for men, by men created to address the issues that plague men on a daily basis.  We adhere to a “band of brothers” philosophy which encourages men to accept the challenge to reclaim what it is to be a real men.  It is a support group of seriously committed guys who are brutally honest, transparent and confront personal issues and want to change.  Accountability is expected.  Confidentiality is sacred.  What is discussed at The Gauntlet stays at the Gauntlet.  Genuine fellowship is fostered with lots of hot coffee, great food, worship and biblical exhortation.  Lives are being radically changed by the supernatural move of the Holy Spirit as men are accepting the challenge to live the abundant life offered through Jesus Christ.

The Gauntlet is a ministry organization for men, by men created to address the issues that plague men on a daily basis. These strong men meet at the 7 Center in Macedon every Thursday at 7pm.


"He enjoyed pleasure-seeking the night away as a DJ, but when his wife became a Christian, his life took a different turn..." - The 700 Club on CBN

Pastor Samme Palermo

Today, most people know Pastor Samme Palermo as the lead pastor at The Oasis Christian Fellowship in Webster, New York.
However, in his younger days, the bar scene was his focus and his pleasure-seeking lifestyle outwardly supported that.
Pastor Samme Palermo's testimony is a powerful statement of God's grace and patience.  It is also a demonstration of the process of the Lord's miraculous restoration available to anyone.
Pastor Samme Palermo's testimony can be viewed in its entirety at these resources.

CBN Transcript of 'Pastor Samme Palermo: Better Than A Buzz'

Samme Palermo: Better Than A Buzz
By Cynthia Savage
The 700 Club – Samme Palermo was in his 20s in the late '70s and already had his dream job as a disco DJ.

“There were a lot of brand new temptations," Samme tells The 700 Club.  "And opportunities to capitalize on those temptations.  I had power.  I had influence.  So, it was just one buzz after another.“

After years of being around the bar scene, his wife Jeanie made a commitment to follow Jesus Christ.

“I thought, Wow!  This will be the greatest life of all.  I can be the bar guy and Mr. Adventure at night.  I’ve got a beautiful Christian wife at home that lets me get away with anything.  This is fantastic!”

Jeanie recalls, “I hated it.  I hated the two worlds.  I didn’t think you could live in two worlds.  I think your life should all be one world, just all good and serving God.”

For years, Jeanie patiently prayed for her husband.

“She knew that there was a battle waging for my soul between God and the devil," Samme says.  "She knew the devil was winning.”

Early one morning he came home from a tough night at the bar and ended up on the couch to unwind.  The 700 Club was on TV with Ben Kinchlow and Pat Robertson hosting.

Samme says, “Ben came on the screen and said that there was somebody that just came from work that had a bad day.  That caught my attention.  I started listening a little bit.  They started discussing between the two of them a need to pray for this guy.  I began to pray the prayer with them.  I said, ‘Come on, God, give me the buzz.’  I was joking around.  I was daring God.  Nothing happened.  I’m telling you, nothing.

“They finished praying and Ben said, 'The guy we were praying for didn’t get the buzz he was looking for.  'Wow.  My heart stopped because that was my word.  He said, ‘When you are serious, scream out the name of Jesus and He’ll save you.  When you are serious.'”

In the days that followed, Samme’s pleasure-seeking lifestyle began to loose its appeal.  He says, “I finally got to the point where there wasn’t enough cocaine and alcohol.  There couldn’t be enough popularity or money or women or whatever.  There’s just not enough to bring satisfaction.”

Two weeks later, Samme was driving home drunk when he almost collided with a car.  He was shaken and pulled over into a parking lot.

“I believed in the existence of the devil, and I started screaming at the devil that he was ruining me, ruining my family.  I couldn’t have control over anything that I was doing.  Now he tried to kill me.  The windows in my car appear to be like black glass.  I felt the most horrendous evil presence coming at me from my steering wheel.  It was coming for my soul.  I remember what Ben said, and I screamed out, 'Jesus, Jesus, help me.  Save me.’

“The very second I did that, I felt the buzz.  The glass on my car began to fall away.  The presence just left.”

Samme says his craving for drugs and alcohol instantly disappeared.  He says, "The cocaine.  Gone.  Done.  The speed. Flushed it.  Everything was gone.  That’s what God did.”

Jeanie began to notice the difference.  She recalls, “His attitude began to change, and he wasn’t so obnoxious.  His spirit became gentler.”

“I said, 'This family is going to church this morning.'  Of course, Jeanie was like giddy,” Samme says.

In time, he put the bar scene behind him and began working in the church.  Today, he is the pastor of Oasis Christian Fellowship in Webster, New York.

“If you don’t believe in miracles, then don’t believe in me.  'Cause I am one.  There’s no way in the world.  No way in the world that I would be here today if it wasn’t for the righteous and fervent prayer of a loving wife, “Samme says.  “I’ve lived the lie.  The only thing that I’ve found in my life that was satisfying and increases on a daily basis is my relationship with Jesus Christ.  He loves me so much.”


The Daily Audio Bible

Helping Christian's get into a daily rhythm with the Bible and prayer, through a mobile Bible app and online community.

Bible Thinker

Helping you learn to think biblically about everything.  Videos can be searched for specific topics of interest.

Bible Gateway

An online resource with scores of translations and paraphrases of the Bible and Bible tools.

Women's Bible Study

A powerful online women's Bible study with a healthy video library geared for women.

Got Questions?

A resource for Biblical, applicable and timely answers to spiritually related questions through a lens which is protestant, evangelical, conservative, theologically sound and non-denominational.




An online video ministry dedicated to communicating God's word in a creative, practical and easy-to-watch format with short, 5-minutes-or-less videos addressing questions most Christians have thoughout their walk.

Brandon Robbins

'The Chosen Explained', 'Misreading Scripture', 'The Truth About...' and 'Beyond the Words' are videos revealing revealing the context and history behind familiar scripture so that when you read it again, you see it with an entirely new set of eyes.

Always Be Ready

A Christian apologetics ministry dedicated to equipping Christians to answer the challenging objections and questions that atheists, skeptics, and people in the cults have about the trustworthiness of the Bible.


No matter what your life story contains, regardless of your age or marital status (single - married - divorced or newly alone), come see us!

If you are searching for answers or running from life … new to church, coming back to church or looking for a church home … YOU are welcome here!

Oasis Events

Date 02.03.2025 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Woman Nurturing Woman - The Light
02.04.2025 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Prayer Force on Facebook
02.05.2025 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
The Gauntlet
7 Center St., Macedon, NY 14502
02.06.2025 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
[TOCF - Events]
The Gauntlet
02.06.2025 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm